Applications in the petroleum industry

Publish Time: 2023-08-24     Origin: Site

Nonionic surfactants have many uses. The drilling fluid used in drilling needs to add defoamer, emulsifier, fungicide, viscosifier, diluent dispersant, dewatering agent, lubricant, anti-corrosion agent, etc., which are closely related to non-ionic surfactants.

Non-ionic surfactants are used in oil displacement agents, sand consolidation agents, water blocking agents, demulsifiers, resistance reducing agents, corrosion inhibitors, clay stabilizers, water treatment agents, acidizing and fracturing fluids. The surfactants commonly used in oil recovery are polyether, fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether sulfate and so on.

The crude oil produced from the well is a W-O emulsion, which must be broken before refining. High voltage electrostatic field method and chemical demulsification method are the main methods for crude oil demulsification. The most effective method of chemical demulsification dehydration is non-ionic surfactant demulsification, mainly used: octylphenol polyoxyethylene ether, fatty acid polyoxyethylene ester, polyether and so on.

In the production of petroleum products, in order to improve and improve the performance of petroleum products must also be added a variety of additives, according to its role can be divided into: anti-wear agent, cleaning agent, dispersant, viscosity regulator, coagulant, rust inhibitor, fuel energy saving agent, etc., most of the additives are non-ionic surfactants.

For example, the decoagulant used in fuel oil and lubricating oil can be aliphatic amine polyoxyethylene ether. The surfactants used in rust prevention agents are sorbitan monooleate, trioleate, polyethylene glycol dioleate and so on. Water micro-emulsification or soluble in natural oil can play a significant energy saving effect, for which you can use pan, Twain, etc.

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